NIH Record - National Institutes of Health

Kinzler To Give Next Lecture in NCI Series, Apr. 4

Dr. Kenneth Kinzler
Dr. Kenneth Kinzler

Dr. Kenneth Kinzler will be the next speaker in the 4th annual NCI Excellence in Molecular Diagnostics Lecture Series on Monday, Apr. 4 from 10 to 11 a.m. in Lipsett Amphitheater, Bldg. 10. He will discuss “The Cancer Genome as a Clinical Biomarker.”

Kinzler is a professor of oncology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, co-director of the Ludwig Center at JHU and associate director for basic research for the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center. He has produced classic studies of the genes causing human cancer, including the discovery of APC, the gene that initiates virtually all colorectal tumors. He is also known for his development of genetic methods for analyzing gene expression and mutations in human cancer leading to his most recent work on defining the cancer genome for more than a dozen human tumor types. 

Kinzler has coauthored more than 375 peer-reviewed articles on the molecular analyses of cancer and holds over 125 patents. He is a member of the National Academy of Medicine, the National Academy of Inventors and is a fellow of the American Association of Cancer Research Academy. 

Kinzler will discuss the potential of tumor DNA as a clinical biomarker. In particular, the technical and clinical aspects of using cancer-specific somatic mutations to detect low levels of tumor DNA released into blood and other clinical samples will be described. Examples of clinical utility that will be highlighted include screening, liquid biopsies, resistance monitoring and prognosis.

The lecture series, sponsored by the NCI Division of Cancer Prevention, recognizes outstanding leaders who are making groundbreaking contributions in molecular diagnostics and who have demonstrated integrated approaches in the development of diagnostics.

For more information, contact Felicia Evans Long, (240) 276-5076 or

The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

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