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Have a question to ask or a good idea for a story? Simply feel like letting the editors know what’s on your mind, but don’t necessarily want to give your name?
Where to Find Us in Print
You can pick up a print copy of the Record every two weeks! Paper editions are available now, in several high-traffic areas on the Bethesda campus. Look for a kiosk near you: Clinical Research Center atrium, first floor; CC café, B1-level; Bldg. 1, B1 level at the elevators; and Bldg. 31A lobby.
Foil the Flu - Vaccinations for NIH Staff Begin on Sept. 30
Foil the Flu, the annual seasonal influenza immunization program for all NIH workers, begins Monday, Sept. 30 and runs through Nov. 8. You need a valid NIH identification badge to receive your seasonal flu shot though Foil the Flu.