Bourne To Give Next ‘Mind The Gap’ Seminar

Dr. Philip Bourne, NIH associate director for data science and founding editor-in-chief of PLOS Computational Biology, will present on the topic “Big Data and the Promise and Pitfalls When Applied to Disease Prevention and Promoting Better Health” at the next Medicine: Mind the Gap seminar. The event is scheduled for Monday, June 13 from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. via NIH VideoCast, The talk had originally been scheduled for Apr. 26 but was postponed.
“Big Data” is an overused term, but it does speak to a break from the past in the amount and complexity of data being gathered and analyzed, as well as in the methods applied to that data. How disruptive will Big Data be in the long run to biomedical research and health care? Bourne will address this question in light of the Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) initiative and other trans-NIH data science programs.
Bourne will accept questions before and during his presentation via email at and on Twitter with #NIHMtG.
Register for the event at