Kramer To Direct CSR Communications Office

Dr. Kristin Kramer has been named director of the Center for Scientific Review’s newly established Office of Communications and Outreach.
She previously served as CSR’s knowledge management coordinator, a position that involved communications primarily related to designing and managing web content. In that capacity, she led the redesign of CSR’s website based on a broad range of stakeholder input. Kramer also served as a scientific review officer within CSR’s emerging technologies and training in neurosciences integrated review group and within the brain disorders and clinical neuroscience IRG.
Since June 2019, she has been on a full-time detail in the CSR Office of the Director, where she launched CSR’s new social media presence. In addition, she has been overseeing other new initiatives such as the development of a web interface to allow scientific societies and NIH program staff to suggest potential reviewers and the revitalization of CSR’s Early Career Reviewer Program.
In her new post, Kramer will lead efforts to develop and implement a comprehensive communication and outreach strategy that focuses on engagement with the broader external scientific community, scientific societies, NIH institute/center programs and other agencies. Through communications and targeted outreach, CSR aims to enhance the transparency of the peer review process and capitalize on the diversity that comes with a large audience to improve communication strategies as well as the peer review process.
Kramer earned a Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, and was an assistant professor at the University of Memphis, where she established a research program in behavioral neuroscience prior to joining CSR.