Launer To Lead NIA Lab

Dr. Lenore J. Launer has been named chief of the Laboratory of Epidemiology and Population Sciences (LEPS) in NIA’s Intramural Research Program.
With her new appointment, Launer will strive to expand the NIA IRP’s epidemiology program and its translational collaborations across NIH and the wider scientific community, focused on improving the health of all older Americans.
Launer joined LEPS in 1999 as head of its neuroepidemiology section and has served as acting chief since 2010. She started her NIH career in 1988 as an NICHD epidemiology training fellow.
From 1990 through 1999, she developed her interests in aging science through several academic appointments in the Netherlands (Erasmus University Medical School, Free University and the National Institute for Public Health), where she collaborated in studies of neurologic diseases including dementia and migraine headache. She earned tenure in 2005.