‘Feds Feed Families’ Virtual Campaign Underway

NIH is again participating in “Feds Feed Families,” the annual federal government summer food drive. The 2022 virtual campaign will run through Friday, Sept. 30.
Many families are still feeling the effects of the pandemic and are facing food insecurity and hunger. The NIH community has always given generously through this campaign to support those in need. Once again the drive is operating virtually. There will be no food collections at physical locations. Instead, donate online to fight hunger.
You can send food via your favorite virtual grocer, designate a food pantry or even volunteer your time. Visit https://ors.od.nih.gov/FedsFeedFamilies/Pages/default.aspx for details.
Remember to record your donation, so NIH gets credit. Select “U.S. Department of Health and Human Services” as your department and “National Institutes of Health” as your agency.
All donations will be tracked by pounds of food. For monetary donations, the site will use a national conversion rate from dollars to pounds.
If you have questions about recording your donation, email FedsFeedFamiliesNIH@nih.gov.