NIH Record - National Institutes of Health

Executive Leadership Program Alumni Reunite at NIEHS

This past March, graduates of the NIH Executive Leadership Program (ExLP) convened at the National Institute on Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) for two days to explore how to best leverage coaching, mentoring and sponsorship activities to ensure employees receive equitable access to growth and advancement opportunities. 

Panelists interact with their audience.
Engaging in a panel discussion are (from l) Dr. Lashawndra Price (seated), Keisha Berkley, Dr. Jerry Yakel, Dr. Gwen Collman, Dr. Trevor Archer and Dr. Janet Hall.

ExLP alums also examined research about effective leadership in a hybrid work environment and shared best practices relating to employee engagement in the hybrid workplace. Five ExLP cohorts were represented, dating back to the first cohort in 2010.

Hosted by ExLP alum and NIEHS Deputy Director Dr. Trevor Archer, the event gave participants a unique opportunity to engage with NIEHS leadership via a panel discussion/Q&A, visit NIH labs and meet with intramural scientists to learn more about ongoing research initiatives. Participants also took a tour of the expansive NIEHS campus.  

If you are an aspiring or existing “top six” NIH leader, recruitment is underway for the 2024-2025 ExLP. 

To learn more about this seven-month intensive leadership experience, visit:

A large group poses for a photo against a backdrop of pine trees.
ExLP alumni visiting NIEHS include (seated, from l) Dr. Xavier Soosai, Dr. Alice Chen, Dr. Colleen Hadigan, Julie Berko, Keisha Berkley (ExLP program staff), Dr. Trevor Archer, Dr. Roland Owens, Dr. Rohan Hazra; and (standing from l) Dr. Anita Kishore (ExLP program staff), Cyrena Silvera (ExLP program staff), Ellen Rolfes, Dr. Meredith Temple O’Connor, Dr. Jonathan Odim, Dr. Douglas Sheeley, Dr. Maryland Pao, Dr. Carolyn Hutter, Dr. Gwen Collman, Bekah Geiger, Dr. LaShawndra Price, Dr. Janet Hall, Dexter Collins, Dr. Lisa Cunningham, Dr. Patrick Bellgowan, Rodney Rivera, Dr. Patricia Jones, Dr. Anna Ramsey-Ewing, Victor Voloshin, Dr. Helene Langevin, Dr. Cheryl Boyce and Amico Matsumoto (ExLP program staff).

The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

Editor: Dana Talesnik sends email)

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Staff Writer: Amber Snyder sends email)