NIH Record - National Institutes of Health

Christmas Comes Early at the Children’s Inn at NIH

A mom and two children pose with Santa.
Santa visited with Children’s Inn at NIH residents and their families during their summertime shopping spree.

Photo:  The Children's Inn at NIH

An officer pushes a cart with child riding inside in the store.
Each family was paired with an officer from the Montgomery County Police Department to shop for toys and other gifts.

Photo:  The Children's Inn at NIH

Two rows of motorcycles: 'police elves' drive up the street.
Santa and his motorcycle elves—members of the NIH and Montgomery County Police Departments—came to the Children’s Inn at NIH and accompanied shuttles filled with families to Rio Lakefront in Gaithersburg.

Photo:  The Children's Inn at NIH

Adults and kids seated around a restaurant table
After shopping, Inn residents and their families ate dinner at the Silver Diner.

Photo:  The Children's Inn at NIH

News anchor interviews Santa in the store.
FOX 5’s Gwen Tolbart interviews Santa about the Christmas in July event.

Photo:  The Children's Inn at NIH

Two police officers pose together
Shopping for toys for the kids

Photo:  The Children's Inn at NIH

The Children’s Inn at NIH brought holiday cheer to its young residents during its annual Christmas in July event. On July 17, the Montgomery County Police Department and the NIH Police Department escorted Santa Claus to the Inn.

From there, good Saint Nick, police, residents and their families rode to the Rio Lakefront shopping center in Gaithersburg, Md. to Shop with a Cop. Each family paired up with a Montgomery County police officer and shopped for toy cars, dolls, decorative plants and more. After the store run, residents had dinner at the Silver Diner.—Kristine Duru

The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

Editor: Dana Talesnik

Assistant Editor: Eric Bock

Staff Writer: Amber Snyder