NIAMS Council Welcomes Four

Photo: Ernie Branson
Four new members were recently named to the National Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Advisory Council.
Magdalena Castro-Lewis is former vice president for programs at the National Alliance for Hispanic Health in Washington, D.C. She has extensive experience with developing culturally and linguistically appropriate health education materials and forming national and community-based partnerships to improve the health of Hispanic families.
Dr. Ethan Lerner is an associate professor of dermatology at Harvard Medical School and an associate biologist in dermatology at Massachusetts General Hospital’s Cutaneous Biology Research Center. His research is keyed to the mechanisms that underlie the itch sensation in order to develop effective anti-itch therapies.
William Mulvihill is a special advisor to the president of the University of Cincinnati and executive director of the University of Cincinnati Presidential Bicentennial Commission. He currently serves as trustee emeritus of the Arthritis Foundation and is on the board of directors for the Alliance for Lupus Research in New York.
Dr. Stephen Tapscott is a member of the divisions of human biology and clinical research at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. His research focuses on gene expression in certain cancers and muscular dystrophies as well as gene and cell therapies for muscular dystrophy.