Dickersin Is Next ‘Mind the Gap’ Speaker, July 25

Dr. Kay Dickersin, professor and epidemiology director at the Center for Clinical Trials and Evidence Synthesis, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, will speak on “The Opportunities and Challenges of Using Systematic Reviews To Summarize Knowledge About ‘What Works’ in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion” at the Office of Disease Prevention’s next Medicine: Mind the Gap seminar. It will be held Monday, July 25 from 11 a.m. to noon via NIH VideoCast, http://videocast.nih.gov/.
Whether discussing priorities for comparative effectiveness research (CER) from a funder’s or researcher’s perspective, understanding knowledge gaps or setting guidelines for care, systematic reviews of existing research hold the promise of scientifically summarizing “what works” at any point in time. Dickersin will review models of how systematic reviews are being used globally to plan, implement and derive recommendations from CER. She will then review some of the existing challenges to using systematic reviews and methods being used to address these challenges.
Dickersin will accept questions about her presentation via email at prevention@mail.nih.gov and on Twitter with #NIHMtG.