NIH Record - National Institutes of Health

2018 FARE Awards Competition Gets Under Way

The FARE competition provides recognition for outstanding intramural scientific research. FARE 2018 winners will each receive a $1,000 travel award to facilitate presentation of their research at a scientific meeting. Eligible fellows may submit an abstract of their current research Feb. 16-Mar. 16 online to

Abstracts will be evaluated anonymously on the basis of scientific merit, originality, experimental design, overall quality and presentation. The top 25 percent of applicants will receive a travel award to be used between Oct. 1, 2017, and Sept. 30, 2018. (NHLBI fellows do not receive the travel grant, but will still be acknowledged as FARE winners if selected.) 

Winners will be announced by Aug. 15. For more information, go to and search for “FARE,” or contact the FARE 2018 committee at

FARE, or the Fellows Award for Research Excellence, began in 1995 to recognize outstanding scientific research performed by intramural postdoctoral fellows.  

The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

Associate Editor: Dana Talesnik (link sends e-mail)

Assistant Editor: Eric Bock (link sends e-mail)

Staff Writer: Amber Snyder (link sends e-mail)