Feds Feed Families Under Way
The 9th annual Feds Feed Families summer food drive is in full swing after kicking off on June 14. NIH’ers are encouraged to donate non-perishable food items to knock out hunger through Thursday, Aug. 31. All donations will be directed to the Children’s Inn at NIH, the Safra Family Lodge and the Capital Area Food Bank.
Food banks see a decrease in donations in the summer months, so now is the perfect time to help. Drop-off boxes are located in 11 on-campus and 18 off-campus buildings. In addition, staff can support the program by buying “Fighting Hunger” vouchers at Eurest cafeterias in Bldgs. 10 ACRF, 10 B1, 31, 35A, 41 and 45. All proceeds will be used to buy food items for donation.
Last year, employees donated more than 30,000 pounds of food. No doubt we’ll top last year’s generosity this summer. For details, visit www.ors.od.nih.gov/FedsFeedFamilies/Pages/default.aspx or email FedsFeedFamilies@nih.gov.