Returned Peace Corps Volunteers Host Learning Event at NIH
Recently, the NIH Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCV) group organized an on-campus event to offer interested NIH’ers an opportunity to learn more about service in the Peace Corps. NIH RPCV panelists were joined by a Peace Corps recruiter for a presentation and panel discussion. Attendees gained a better understanding of how the Peace Corps could shape careers in global health, medicine and the sciences while exploring after-service benefits such as education rewards and non-competitive eligibility for federal positions.
“It was a pleasant surprise to see just how many transferable skills I gained in the Peace Corps that I now use here at NIH,” said panelist Jessica Corley (Belize, ’14-’16).
Panel questions ranged from “What [were] your village, diet and projects like?” and “Is there an age limit?” to “What was your biggest challenge?” and “Would you do it again?”
The panelists gave a variety of intriguing responses and stories to help paint a picture of their experience for the audience. For answers to these questions and more, check out
If you are a returned Peace Corps volunteer and are interested in joining the RPCV at NIH, email the listserv RPCVS_AT_NIH@LIST.NIH.GOV.