NIH Record - National Institutes of Health
An NCI scientist in white lab coat and gloves holds up 3 test tubes.

November 17, 2017

  • Survivors Discuss Suicide’s Stubborn Persistence, Mismanagement

    Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the United States, remaining stubbornly high on the list of medical causes of mortality. Two suicide survivors led off the 12th season of the NIMH Director’s Innovation Speaker Series on Oct. 5 at the Neuroscience Center.
  • Family, NIH Director Honor Congressman’s Legacy

    An hour could not contain all of the fond remembrances that NIH and its broad community holds for the late former Congressman Louis Stokes, who died in 2015 at age 90. An event hosted by the NIMHD featured many warm recollections.
  • Scientists Need Public’s Support to Continue Progress, Leshner Says

    “We need the public badly. They are the ultimate receptors for the products of our work,” said Dr. Alan Leshner, CEO emeritus at the AAAS and former NIDA director, during an NCCIH lecture on communicating science to the public.
  • Mother of Patient Runs 10K for Son, Children’s Inn at NIH

    When school called to say her 8-year-old son, Desi Borstein, had a rapidly increasing fever, Carly Israel-Agin went straight there to administer a painful shot that broke the fever. The next morning, Israel-Agin did something she’d never done before: she ran a 10K.
An NCI scientist in white lab coat and gloves holds up 3 test tubes.

On the Cover

NCI scientist holds three test tubes containing (from l) healthy T-lymphocytes, T-cells infected with HIV/AIDS virus and T-cells exposed to HIV but protected by AZT.

John Crawford, MAPB

The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

Editor: Dana Talesnik sends email)

Assistant Editor: Eric Bock sends email)

Staff Writer: Amber Snyder sends email)