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NIH Record - National Institutes of Health

Young NICHD Scientist Remembered for Passion, Penchant for Helping Others

Dr. Philip Gurnev

Dr. Philip Gurnev

NICHD mourns the sudden loss of Dr. Philip Gurnev, who had been a staff scientist in the NICHD section on molecular transport since 2015.

Gurnev made significant contributions to the field of ion channel biophysics in the lab of Dr. Sergey Bezrukov.

Born in 1978, Gurnev received his Ph.D. in physiology in 2003 from the Institute of Cytology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. Outside of the lab, Gurnev was known as a loyal friend who could be counted on in a crisis.

He is survived by his wife Elena and a newborn son, Eugene.

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