HHS Deputy Hargan Returns to Give Blood

Photo: Chia-Chi Charlie Chang
On July 1, HHS Deputy Secretary Eric Hargan and his chief of staff Will Brady donated blood in support of Clinical Center patients.
This is a continuing effort by Hargan to bring attention to the importance of blood donation during the Covid-19 pandemic. He wants to highlight that donating blood is safe and encourage heathy individuals to help with blood, platelet and convalescent plasma donations.
On hand for the visit were Dr. Kamille West, chief of the department of transfusion medicine’s blood services section; Hal Wilkins, donor resources supervisor; and Kathy Robinson, donor resources specialist.
Hargan was taken care of by Ahmed Cham. Brady was seen to by phlebotomist Beisha “Belle” Zhu.
Hargan had visited the NIH Blood Bank on Mar. 24, joined by his wife, to donate blood and make a video on the importance of blood donation.