Liu Leads NIMHD Scientific Review Branch

The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities recently welcomed Dr. Yujing Liu as chief of the Scientific Review Branch.
His training includes a medical doctorate from Beijing Medical University and a Ph.D. in molecular genetics from Syracuse University.
After coming to NIH as a postdoctoral researcher, Liu became a staff fellow while pursuing his studies of the genetics of Gaucher’s disease and the molecular regulation of neurogenesis and angiogenesis. Subsequently, he joined the faculty at Georgetown University, establishing a laboratory for the study of molecular genetics and cardiovascular development.
He began his NIH extramural career as a scientific review officer (SRO) at the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, organizing ad hoc special emphasis panel reviews and reviews by a chartered review committee. Seven years later, he joined the National Institute of Nursing Research as chief of review and the sole SRO. He recruited and trained 3 new SROs to build the NINR Review Branch into an accomplished team of 5 people.
In 2016, Liu joined the Center for Scientific Review as deputy director of the Division of Receipt and Referral and developed a rich knowledge of NIH policy for the receipt and assignment of grant applications. As divisional training coordinator, he managed the CSR Receipt and Referral 101 course, the training of new referral officers, development of a referral trainee website and contributed to the NIH core curriculum training on receipt and referral.