NIH Record - National Institutes of Health

Nature Springs Forth

River view framed by trees
A program officer at NICHD shared this image of the Ottauquechee River region in Hartford County, Vermont, taken last August at various levels of the river, in and around the village of Quechee.

Photo:  Deborah Henken

River view with waterfall and trees
A program officer at NICHD shared this image of the Ottauquechee River region in Hartford County, Vermont, taken last August at various levels of the river, in and around the village of Quechee.

Photo:  Deborah Henken

River view with structure over waterfall
A program officer at NICHD shared this image of the Ottauquechee River region in Hartford County, Vermont, taken last August at various levels of the river, in and around the village of Quechee.

Photo:  Deborah Henken

Waterfall over rocks
A program officer at NICHD shared this image of the Ottauquechee River region in Hartford County, Vermont, taken last August at various levels of the river, in and around the village of Quechee.

Photo:  Deborah Henken

painted bunting bird
Winter Color at Great Falls. A program director in NIGMS's Division of Genetics and Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology captured a painted bunting near the Great Falls Visitor Center on the C&O Canal in late January.

Photo:  Michael Bender

Closeup view of two bees atop a flower
Busy Bees Offer Respite in Pandemic. An employee in the OD Office of Management found solace in photographing her garden in the early days of the pandemic.

Photo:  Mary Dunne

A while back, the Record asked readers for images found in nature, as the pandemic made the Great Outdoors even more attractive. As we move into March, thoughts of spring make these photos a timely sight. To share your images, send hi-resolution photos with short captions to

The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

Editor: Dana Talesnik

Associate Editor: Patrick Smith

Assistant Editor: Eric Bock

Staff Writer: Amber Snyder