NIH Record - National Institutes of Health

Revamped RePORT Simplifies Data Searches

Part of the homepage of the new RePORT shows a quick search box, a U.S. map to search active funding by state, and a bar graph of active projects by institute/center
Find what you need faster. Browse NIH expenditures by state or IC, or do a quick search right from the revamped RePORT homepage.

Searching for grants data just got easier. NIH’s Office of Extramural Research recently launched a redesigned RePORT (Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools) that’s packed with easy-to-find lists, colorful charts and other handy tools. 

Anyone interested in getting a glimpse of NIH expenditures and the results of NIH-supported research will find a wealth of information on the new and improved Whether you’re just browsing to get a quick overview or conducting a more specialized search, RePORT is your one-stop shop for reports, data and analyses of NIH research activities.

Right on the homepage, you’ll find interactive graphs and charts including state map visualizations, funding trends and histograms displaying projects from multiple institutes and centers.

User feedback over the years showed that most searches tended to be for a single investigator, institution or grant number. OER responded by adding a quick search. Now, instead of a cluttered, cumbersome search page, you can do a quick search by keyword, or go directly to RePORTER to access more search fields. To refine a search, explore the search filters on the left menu.  

Other features include:

  • NIH Data Book, which summarizes answers to frequently asked budget questions. You’ll find summary statistics on extramural grants and contract awards, grant applications, the NIH-funded workforce and NIH-supported fellows and trainees. Search and view data subsets such as application success and funding rates and grant awards by institute or center. The data is updated annually; the charts and graphs are exportable.
  • Matchmaker. Enter abstracts of scientific text to find program officials, ICs, review panels or activity codes to help you connect to NIH staff in your research area.
  • Categorical Spending. It’s now easier to search funding over time for conditions, diseases and other research areas.

And the newest feature, released in February, is a modernized MyRePORTER, allowing users to save searches, configure, update or delete saved searches from a dashboard, and receive alerts for new projects, patents and publications. 

The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

Editor: Dana Talesnik

Associate Editor: Patrick Smith

Assistant Editor: Eric Bock

Staff Writer: Amber Snyder