This April ‘Give Your Community a Boost!’

April is National Minority Health Month (NMHM), a time to raise awareness about the importance of improving the health of people from racial and ethnic minority communities and reducing health disparities.
The 2022 theme is “Give Your Community a Boost!”
Throughout the month NIMHD will highlight ways we can all join in the fight against Covid-19 to protect our families, colleagues and friends.
Follow us on social media at #NMHM2022 and #BoostYourCommunity
Join the Covid-19 Gamechangers: Trusted Messengers Giving Communities a Boost! Twitter Chat on Wednesday, Apr. 20 at 2 p.m. ET #NMHM22Chat
Play the Minority Health Bingo virtual game
Share NMHM graphics on your favorite social media platforms
For the latest NMHM updates visit: