NIH Record - National Institutes of Health

Effects of ‘Financial Toxicity’ from Disease Is Focus of NCCIH Lecture

Dr. Martin headshot
Dr. Michelle Y. Martin will present a virtual talk as part of NCCIH’s Integrative Medicine Research Lecture Series.

Dr. Michelle Y. Martin, a clinical psychologist and researcher, will present a virtual lecture, “Well-Being and the Economic Burden of Disease: What Are We Learning from Cancer Survivors?” on Wednesday, May 18 from 1 to 2 p.m. ET. 

The talk is part of NCCIH’s Integrative Medicine Research Lecture Series.

At the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Martin is co-director of the Tennessee Clinical and Translational Science Institute; professor in the College of Medicine’s department of preventive medicine; and founding director of the Center for Innovation in Health Equity Research: A Community Cancer Alliance for Transformative Change. 

Many cancer survivors can lead full and healthy lives after they complete treatment, due to improvement in therapies and early detection. The cancer journey can be stressful at all stages, however, with additional pressure presented by financial problems such as increased medical costs and possibly reduced income and productivity. The impact of “financial toxicity” from disease on patients’ well-being is an emerging area of research. 

Martin is multiple principal investigator of a new initiative, the Emotional Well-Being and Economic Burden Research Network (EMOT-ECON). She will present an overview of the cancer survivorship journey and identify where needs are to better understand patients’ and survivors’ experiences of cancer. 

Martin holds a Ph.D. in clinical (medical) psychology from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. NIH funders of her research include NCCIH, NCI and NIMHD. She has authored more than 115 papers in peer-reviewed journals.

No registration is necessary for the lecture and the public is welcome. The event will be streamed on NIH videocast. 

For more information, visit

The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

Editor: Dana Talesnik

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Staff Writer: Amber Snyder