NHLBI Study Seeks Volunteers
Healthy volunteers at least 18 years old with no history of cardiovascular disease are needed to participate in a study with the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Researchers are interested in understanding how oil enriched with palmitoleic acid (omega-7 oil) affects metabolism and cardiovascular risk. All study-related medications, tests or procedures are at no cost to you. Receive compensation for participation at the end of the completed study. Contact the Clinical Center Office of Patient Recruitment at (866) 444-2214 (TTY users dial 711) or ccopr@nih.gov. Refer to study #18-H-0019. Online https://bit.ly/3XEJnMr.
Sickle Cell Study Recruits
Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder that interferes with delivering oxygen to the tissues. A blood stem cell transplant is the only potential cure. NIH investigators want to determine whether a study drug (MGTA-145) combined with another drug (plerixafor) can increase the number of blood stem cells collected in one session from people with SCD. Compensation is provided. Contact the Office of Patient Recruitment at (866) 444-2214 (TTY users dial 711) or ccopr@nih.gov. Refer to study #000766-H. Online https://bit.ly/3EoRoOt.
NHGRI Needs Healthy Children
Researchers at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) are seeking healthy children between 2 and 17 years old to participate in a study about the immune system in patients with mitochondrial disease in comparison to their healthy peers. Compensation provided. Contact the Office of Patient Recruitment at (866) 444-2214 (TTY users dial 711) or ccopr@nih.gov. Refer to study #13-HG-0053 Online https://go.usa.gov/xSZ7c.
Arthritis Study Recruits Participants
Did you know there are some genetic factors related to how much pain you experience with arthritis? When arthritis is managed properly there is a less burden on an individual. Your participation in this research study will help develop family-based strategies to improve arthritis outcomes. To learn more, contact the Office of Patient Recruitment at 866-444-2214 (TTY users dial 711) or ccopr@nih.gov. Refer to study #000912. Online http://bit.ly/3iuBHfK.