NIH Record - National Institutes of Health

Gingerbreads Return to CC

Dora, Boots, Swiper and other characters from Dora the Explorer in front of a colorful gingerbread house
First place went to “Dora the Explorer,” created by the Clinical Center’s 3NE Hematology, Oncology and Transplant Unit.

Photo:  Eric Bock

A close-up view of Dora the Explorer, with Boots smiling on a bridge, an alligator in the water below, and Swiper behind
Dora the Explorer, the winning gingerbread house, features Boots with Swiper behind.

Photo:  Eric Bock

Gingerbread creation of Mario, Sonic, Pac-Man and a path of peppermints to the castle
Mario, Sonic and Pac-Man shared second place in “Salute to Retro Gaming,” by CC 7SE Adult Behavioral Health Nursing.

Photo:  Eric Bock

A gold castle with the Little Mermaid next to candy coral and fish
CC’s 3SEDH Oncology Day Hospital came in third with “Little Mermaid.”

Photo:  Eric Bock

Gingerbread tiki bar, titled Santaritaville with candy trees, sand and Santa (Buffett?) lying face up
“Tiki Bar” by CC Pediatric Nursing was kid voters’ top pick.

Photo:  Eric Bock

A gingerbread and candy underwater scene: the ocean floor with shells, crabs, an eel and other sea creatures with candy and Rice Krispie treats as coral
NHLBI Pulmonary Branch’s “Underwater Wonderland” came in second place in the Kids Choice contest.

Photo:  Eric Bock

A large gingerbread of Super Mario, goombas, mushrooms and a castle with a candy double helix (DNA) above the yellow, question-mark block
Mario triumphs again, as NHGRI’s “Mario Building DNA” takes third place in the first-ever Kids’ Choice contest.

Photo:  Eric Bock

Santas legs stick out from MRI machine, with Mrs. Claus doing intake and a candy brain on display behind
Santa gets a brain scan in NIMH’s Social and Cognitive Developmental Neuroscience section’s creation.

Photo:  Eric Bock

Gingerbread lab with candy pill bottles, pills and lab mice
"Sidransky," by the National Human Genome Research Institute

Photo:  Eric Bock

Gingerbread house with three confectionary pandas, pond, grass: Pandamonium at the Zoo
CC’s 5SWS Day Hospital created “Pandamonium.”

Photo:  Eric Bock

Barbie's house with a Christmas tree and a Barbie 'Bookmobile' van
The NIH Library's Biblio Barbie

Photo:  Eric Bock

Gingerbread house with a large ferris wheel atop made from red licorice
Bringing Science to the Community, created by the TBHD Translational Biobehavioral and Health Disparities Branch

Photo:  Eric Bock

A gingerbread house and Christmas tree with lights, an open book, candy cars and little houses of Dr. Seuss's fictional town, Whoville
NCI's Pediatric Oncology Branch created Whoville

Photo:  Eric Bock

Goop from pipes, Ninja turtle heads and a Bldg. 35 gingerbread house on top
Creation by Animal Care Staff, Bldg. 35, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Photo:  Eric Bock

Castles, trains and gardens, oh my!
And Santa’s in the MRI.
Dora the Explorer, and Swiper swipes;
NIH clinics and facility pipes.
Super Mario and pandas at the zoo,
Biblio Barbie and lab mice too.
Such creativity and lots of cheer,
We’re thrilled the gingerbreads were back this year!

A longstanding, festive tradition returned to NIH this winter as 49 teams vied for top prize at the Clinical Center’s Gingerbread House decorating contest. 

NIH’ers, patients and visitors voted for their favorites in-person and online. Gingerly assembled, the imaginative creations were on display in the CC’s North Atrium through Jan. 4. 

View all of the gingerbreads on the CC’s Facebook page:

The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

Editor: Dana Talesnik

Associate Editor: Patrick Smith

Assistant Editor: Eric Bock

Staff Writer: Amber Snyder