NIMHD Staff Bring Curated Cuisines to Children’s Inn

Photo: kristin arabian
When the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) staff recently served as volunteer chefs for the Family Dinner Program at the Children’s Inn, they brought a lot to the table.
For hours, the kitchen was abuzz with the tap-tap-tap of knives mincing vegetables, the hissing of crockpots and the fun of colleagues working together in new ways.
The aromas of coconut rice and Alfredo and tomato sauces filled the air.
The culinary efforts culminated in a pasta bar and a taco-fajita fusion—meals as diverse as the 12 administrators, researchers, staff and directors who cooked them. The combined volunteer chefs represent more than six different cultures and are just a portion of the people working to promote health equity at NIMHD.
“Our meals were inspired by our diverse team members who wanted the children and their families to taste the foods they associate with comfort and love,” said Kimberly Allen, NIMHD executive officer and one of the organizers of the experience. “In the process, it was heartwarming to see our teams share and learn one another’s unique and special ways of cooking in togetherness.”
Another group of 13 staff, including NIMHD Director Dr. Eliseo Pérez-Stable, also volunteered.
The Family Dinner Program at the inn hosts volunteers who prepare meals for children with rare and serious diseases and their families in a home-like environment. To learn more about the program, visit

Photo: kristin arabian