NIH Record - National Institutes of Health

CFC Underway Through Jan. 15

The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) 2020, “Show Some Love and Be the Face of Change,” is still underway and continues through Friday, Jan. 15.

Special WALS Event Looks at the Future of the Genomics Revolution

The NIH Director’s Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series (WALS) will host a lecture and panel discussion on Jan. 13, in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the first complete bacterial genome, the 20th anniversary of the publication of the human genome and the 15th anniversary of the first human metagenome.

Stockholm Comes to Bethesda

Dr. Harvey Alter, who shared the 2020 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine, was honored Dec. 8 in an afternoon ceremony at Natcher Bldg. attended by Karin Olofsdotter, Sweden’s ambassador to the United States.

Donate Use-or-Lose Hours to NIH Leave Bank by Jan. 2

In 2019, NIH employees lost an estimated $3.5 million in annual leave. Don’t lose yours. The Leave Bank offers you the opportunity to put that leave to use by donating your use-or-lose leave to the bank by Jan. 2, 2021, via ITAS.

Centralized Website Launches for Covid-19 Clinical Trials

A central web portal called Combat COVID recently went live, in both English and Spanish. This provides a one-stop resource to help the public and doctors find information about different stages of Covid-19 illness, NIH-supported Covid-19 prevention and treatment clinical trials, and locations to donate plasma.

The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

Associate Editor: Dana Talesnik (link sends e-mail)

Assistant Editor: Eric Bock (link sends e-mail)

Staff Writer: Amber Snyder (link sends e-mail)