NIDA’s Rapaka Earns Two Lifetime Achievement Awards
NIDA’s Dr. Rao Rapaka was honored with two awards for his dedicated support and significant contributions to research and development related to drug abuse.
NINDS Alumnus Spector Mourned
Dr. Novera Herbert Spector, who had retired from the Division of Fundamental Neurosciences, NINDS (1978-1995), died on Nov. 15.
APAO Presents Annual Awards
NIDCR's clinical director Dr. Janet Lee spoke on improved diagnoses through new imaging technologies at the Asian and Pacific Islander American Organization's annual awards ceremony.
Nursing Academy Honors NINR’s Gill
Dr. Jessica Gill, chief of the brain injury unit in NINR’s Division of Intramural Research, has been selected as a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.
Taffet Retires After 48+ Years in Government
Richard "Richie" Taffet retired on Dec. 31 after nearly 49 years of federal service, capping his career as the Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD)-12 program manager.
Alumnus Ganaway Mourned
Dr. James R. Ganaway, who retired after 33 years of federal service in the summer of 1984 as NIH’s principal expert on naturally occurring infectious diseases of laboratory animals, died Oct. 4 at age 91 in Lewes, Del.
Second Brother’s Retirement Ends Era at NIH
For the past 30 years at NIH, if you needed photos taken by medical arts, chances are you got one of The Brothers—Bill or Ernie Branson.
Former NCI Biostatistician Nam Mourned
Jun-mo Nam, formerly a biostatistician in the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, NCI, died on Jan. 4.
Presidential Rank Awards Honor Four from NIH
Three NIH’ers and one recent retiree were recognized with Presidential Rank Awards recently at an all-day leadership summit at Washington’s Mayflower Hotel.