Cuban Delegation Visits NIH
Following President Obama’s historic visit to Cuba this spring, the HHS Office of Global Affairs hosted Cuba’s vice minister of public health and a delegation of Cuban doctors, researchers and public health officials to strengthen scientific and public health collaboration between the two countries.
Large-Scale Construction Continues on Campus
Several large-scale construction projects on the Bethesda campus have surged forward in recent weeks.
Collins, Band Rock for Fellows on South Lawn
On July 5, hundreds of NIH staff, fellows and guests outside Bldg. 10’s south entry enjoyed NIH’s own multi-talented band, the Affordable Rock ’n’ Roll Act, formerly known as The Directors.
Telework Aides Offer Reason to Put Phone on Mute
Here are more of NIH’s prized telework helpmates, who have assisted their (alleged) masters since the workforce was encouraged to begin telework in mid-March.
Pets Come to the Rescue of NIH Teleworkers
Pets keep their humans company while they telework full-time during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is part 1 in a series of adorable pet photos.
Signs of the Times Emerge on Campus in Pandemic Era
Shown here are several notable sights on the main campus, as safety measures to limit spread of the respiratory ailment caused by a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) take shape at NIH.
‘Wear Red Day’ Stresses Social Support, Physical Activity
NHLBI led National Wear Red Day celebrations with a flash mob dance in the CRC atrium, red food features in cafeterias, sticker and pin distribution, pledge posters and a social media campaign.
‘PuppyCam’ Event Brings Fur, Fun to Campus
For the third year in a row, NIH hosted PuppyCam, a live event held in conjunction with Hero Dogs, Inc., an organization that “improves quality of life for our nation’s heroes by raising, training and placing service dogs...”
Grantees Submit Research Photos to NIH Image Gallery
The NIH Public Information Officers Network asked NIH-funded institutions to submit scientific images for display in the NIH Image Gallery on Flickr. The network selected the best photos and posted them to the gallery.