Feds Feed Families Campaign in Full Swing
The 8th annual Feds Feed Families summer food drive is in full swing. NIH staff are encouraged to donate non-perishable food items to knock out hunger. All donations will be directed to the Children’s Inn at NIH, the Safra Family Lodge and the Capital Area Food Bank.
Gov. Hogan Visits NIH, Children’s Inn
Gov. Larry Hogan (R-MD) visited NIH on Apr. 28,where he toured a lab and greeted patients.
23rd Police Awareness Day Features Demos, Displays
The NIH Police hosted the 23rd annual Police Awareness Day on May 17 in front of Bldg. 1. Various local, state and federal law enforcement agencies attended the event.
Musical Groups Visit CC for Holidays
Several groups brought festive holiday cheer to the Clinical Research Center atrium during December.
Israeli Minister of Health, Ambassador Visit
Israeli Minister of Health Yakov Litzman and Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Ron Dermer visited NIH on Jan. 4, following a memorandum of understanding signing with HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell.
NSO Horn Quartet Plays at CRC
The Clinical Center hosted a Horn Quartet performance by National Symphony Orchestra on Dec. 8
Gingerly Carrying the Gingerbread House
NIH’s 12th annual Gingerbread House Decorating Contest began on Dec. 7.
‘Nutcracker’ Performed at Children’s Inn
The Maryland School of Dance spread holiday cheer to pediatric patient families on Dec. 13 by performing excerpts from The Nutcracker at the Children’s Inn at NIH.
‘ONE NIH’ Approach Used to Recruit at Conference
Recently, the ONE NIH recruitment approach traveled to Long Beach, Calif., to participate in the annual conference of SACNAS (Society for Advancing Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science), one of the largest organizations dedicated to fostering the success of Chicano/Hispanic and Native American scientists, from college students to professionals.