Another Huge MRI Magnet Delivered to NIH
An 11.7-Tesla magnet for advanced MRI studies—the largest of its kind in the world—was delivered to the advanced magnetic resonance imaging section in Bldg. 10. Unlike last fall’s delivery of a 19-ton magnet through the facility’s roof, this one entered through a side bay door at NIH’s NMR Center.
McGavern’s Lab Marks Milestone
On Mar. 1, Dr. Dorian McGavern’s lab in NINDS celebrated its 10th anniversary at NIH.
Safety Improvements for Campus Pedestrians Continue
NIH has made significant strides to create a safer Bethesda campus for pedestrians. In 2019, new safety improvements are planned at several more intersections.
Holidays Feature Music in CRC Atrium, Santa Visit to Inn
Holiday events in December 2018 draw children and employees.
‘Wear Red Day’ Focuses on Heart-Healthy Benefits of Social Networks
NIH’ers braved snow and bitter cold temperatures to attend a special dance event on National Wear Red Day, This year’s theme, #OurHearts, emphasizes the power of social support in helping people make heart-healthy choices.
First Lady Attends Inn’s Valentine’s Party
For the second year in a row, First Lady Melania Trump visited the Children’s Inn at NIH on Valentine’s Day.
NEI 5K a Success
The National Eye Institute hosted a 5K run/walk on Oct. 24 as part of a year-long celebration of its 50th anniversary.
NAM Elects Six from NIH
Six NIH scientists are among 85 new members elected to the National Academy of Medicine. Election to the academy is considered one of the highest honors in the fields of health and medicine.
Personality Plays a Role in Developing Alcohol Use Disorder
Research shows that personality is an important factor in alcohol use disorder (AUD), which affects an estimated 15 million people in the United States.