‘Adventure in Science’ Recruits Faculty for Next Season
After 25 years of holding Saturday morning science classes for children at NIH—often taught by NIH postdocs and other staff—Adventure in Science (AIS) is planning its program for next year.
Because of changed NIH policies regarding minors on campus, AIS currently meets at the Washington Episcopal School, 2 miles south of the NIH campus. But the program itself continues unchanged. AIS aims to show 8- to 11-year-olds the fun of science using hands-on activities—e.g., building (and launching) model rockets, dissecting frogs, visualizing the activity of enzymes, having children measure their own lung volumes and more.
Teachers at the AIS site have been mostly volunteers from the NIH community and organizers hope that NIH participation will continue even as classes meet off-campus. Volunteering at AIS offers a great opportunity to exercise your teaching skills with an enthusiastic audience. You can volunteer to teach for only one Saturday, or for several.
If you are interested in AIS, think about possible topics you might teach and send your ideas and contact information to Ed Max. Enrollment for children is completed for this year’s program, but if you would like to provide your email address to receive notification next spring about enrollment for 2020-2021, go to adventureinscience.z2systems.com and click on “create account.”