NIH Record - National Institutes of Health

Rain or Shine

CFC Is Off to a Strong Start

NIH leaders appear at CFC Kickoff event.
At the CFC kickoff event are (from l) NIH director Dr. Francis Collins; Diane Rehm, public radio talk show host; NEI acting director Dr. Santa Tumminia; and Brian Trent, NEI executive officer.

Photo:  Chia-Chi Charlie Chang

NIH employees browse charities eligible for the CFC.
Under the tent, CFC charities provide information on their services.

Photo:  Chia-Chi Charlie Chang

CFC participants gather in their Halloween costumes.
At a CFC charity fair held on Halloween, NEI staffers—including Tumminia, a.k.a. Glinda the Good Witch—channel The Wizard of Oz.

Photo:  Dustin Hays

CFC enthusiasts pose with cardboard cutouts of CFC leaders.
CFC enthusiasts are flanked by cutout cochairs.

Photo:  Dustin Hays

Female runner crosses finish line.
NHLBI’s Sarah Fritz came in third in the NEI 5K.

Photo:  Dustin Hays

Public radio personality Diane Rehm helped launch the NIH 2019 Combined Federal Campaign on Oct. 16. “It may be raining outside, but there are no damp spirits under this tent,” said NIH director Dr. Francis Collins. More than 30 CFC-affiliated charities shared information about their work under a big tent that had been set up in front of Bldg. 1.

Rehm, who hosts the weekly podcast On My Mind, addressed end-of-life care, the subject of her forthcoming book When My Time Comes. “I believe that patients should be allowed to live with the same dignity and respect towards the end of their life and be able to legally choose end-of-life care options,” she said.

2nd Annual NEI 5K Dedicated to CFC

Sunshine prevailed at the second annual NEI 5K, held Oct. 24. NHLBI swept the event with Joe Chapman, Ryland Mortlock and Sarah Fritz placing first, second and third, respectively.

The Prevention of Blindness Society of Metropolitan Washington provided free eye health screenings. NEI showcased See What I See, a virtual reality experience that simulates vision with cataract and glaucoma.

CFC Halloween Charity Fair

The CFC Halloween Charity Fair took place on Oct. 31. NIH staff put on their creative hats to enjoy this festive tradition. Some staff from NEI, who are the hosts for this year’s CFC, came dressed as characters from The Wizard of Oz, while other ICs came dressed as nature’s elements—earth, wind, water and fire. Beetle Juice and Avocado Toast were among the other costumed characters. A variety of CFC-affiliated charities provided information about their work.

To promote the CFC via social media, post a photo at #selfie4cfc.—Amishi Shah

The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

Editor: Dana Talesnik

Associate Editor: Patrick Smith

Assistant Editor: Eric Bock

Staff Writer: Amber Snyder