Bernard Receives 2022 Hartford Foundation Award

NIH chief officer for scientific workforce diversity Dr. Marie A. Bernard was awarded the John A. Hartford Foundation Trustees Award for her many years of dedication to improving the lives of older adults through research, education and clinical practice improvement.
“Dr. Bernard has long been admired by the John A. Hartford Foundation, having been named to the first cohort of JAHF senior leadership scholars, chosen for their commitment to shaping the future of medicine and enhancing the health of older adults,” said foundation president Dr. Terry Fulmer. “She is ensuring diverse representation in the research workforce, addressing critical issues in geriatric care—especially Alzheimer’s disease—and has been a stellar educator and mentor to countless health care professionals. She is a true champion of older adults from all backgrounds.”
The award recognizes Bernard for her work enhancing diversity in the sciences, especially in her current role as COSWD. The COSWD Office’s mission is to be NIH’s thought leader in the science of scientific workforce diversity, using evidence-based approaches to catalyze cultures of inclusive excellence. Bernard also co-leads NIH’s UNITE initiative, which aims to identify and address structural racism within NIH and in the scientific community at large.
Established in 1929, the John A. Hartford Foundation has since 1982 awarded more than $625 million in grants to enhance the health and well-being of older people.