NIH Record - National Institutes of Health

Adults with Covid-19 Sought

NIMHD researchers are recruiting adults newly diagnosed with Covid-19 (within 72 hours). The study will collect physical health data using a temperature patch and digital wristband that will be provided. Collected data will be uploaded to an app using a smartphone and will help researchers better understand how Covid-19 progresses and its long-term effects in groups with different demographics and risk profiles. Contact the Clinical Center Office of Patient Recruitment at (866) 444-2214 (TTY users dial 711) or Refer to study #000315. Online:

Danazol Study Recruits Participants

NHLBI researchers are testing two low doses of danazol on individuals with short telomere disease and bone marrow disease, lung or liver disease. For more information, call the Office of Patient Recruitment (866) 444-2214 (TTY users dial 711). Online: Refer to study #18-H-0004.

Healthy Women Sought for Study

NICHD is seeking healthy women to compare with women who have experienced implantation failure and/or early or recurrent pregnancy loss. Researchers want to look at the uterine lining, the endometrium, to understand its role in implantation and miscarriage. Contact the Office of Patient Recruitment, (866) 444-2214 (TTY users dial 711) or Online: Refer to #000206-CH.

Adults with B-Cell Malignancies Sought

NHLBI opens a new clinical trial testing the drug NX-2127 for adults with relapsed/refractory B-cell malignancies. NX-2127 is an oral drug that degrades a protein in B-cell malignancies, Bruton’s tyrosine kinase, instead of inhibiting or blocking it like other drugs. NX-2127 may also stimulate the body’s immune T-cells to attack cancer cells. The study enrolls adults 18 years or older diagnosed with a B-cell malignancy that progressed after prior systemic therapies. Participation is at no cost and travel assistance may be available. Contact the Office of Patient Recruitment at (866) 444-2214 (TTY users dial 711) or email: Refer to study #000326-H. Online:

Have Psoriasis? CC Needs Volunteers

Do you or someone you know have mild to moderate psoriasis? Researchers at the Clinical Center are testing a form of vitamin B3 dietary supplement to help improve immune system function in the blood and skin of people with mild to moderate psoriasis. Treatments and research procedures are provided at no cost. Refer to study #20-H-0044. Online: For more information, call the Office of Patient Recruitment at (866) 444-2214 (TTY users dial 711) or email

The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

Editor: Dana Talesnik

Associate Editor: Patrick Smith

Assistant Editor: Eric Bock

Staff Writer: Amber Snyder