NIH Record - National Institutes of Health

Hedeker To Present Methods Webinar, Oct. 20

Hedeker portrait
Dr. Donald Hedeker of the University of Chicago will give the next Mind the Gap webinar.

The Office of Disease Prevention will hold a Methods: Mind the Gap webinar on Thursday, Oct. 20 at noon ET featuring Dr. Donald Hedeker, professor of biostatistics in the department of public health sciences at the University of Chicago. He will discuss multilevel models for data analysis. 

Multilevel models are useful for analysis of data in which subjects are nested within some kind of cluster (e.g., students in schools). Such models assume that each subject belongs to only one group. However, students might be nested within primary and secondary schools, where not all students from the same primary school go to the same secondary school. In this case, there is a crossing of the two types of clusters (i.e., primary and secondary schools), and cross-classified multilevel models are necessary for appropriate data analysis. 

Hedeker’s chief expertise is in the development of statistical methods for clustered and longitudinal data, with particular emphasis on mixed-effects models. He has developed methods and software for analysis of intensive longitudinal data, which are data with many measurements over time, often collected using mobile devices and/or the internet. 

Registration is required for the webinar; visit The webinar will be recorded and available on the ODP website within approximately 2 weeks. 

The Mind the Gap series explores research design, data analysis and other methods of interest in prevention science. For details, visit

The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

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