NIH Record - National Institutes of Health

NIGMS’s Southers Retires

Southers and Lee
Vickie Southers (l) with NIGMS EO Sally Lee

NIGMS Deputy Executive Officer Vickie Southers retired this past December after 22 years of federal service. Southers began her federal career at the U.S. General Accounting Office and then the National Institute of Standards and Technology. She joined NIH’s Office of Human Resources in 2008, directing diverse programs to help NIH attract, engage and retain highly qualified employees. 

In 2012, Southers joined NIGMS, serving as the principal advisor to Executive Officer Sally Lee. Southers shared in administrative management and provided leadership in strategic change, organizational design and effectiveness, and business process reengineering. 

“Vickie will be deeply missed at NIGMS and NIH,” said Lee. “She was a trusted and resourceful colleague and wonderful friend to many. She provided thoughtful mentorship and advice and was always willing to help others. She exemplified graciousness and teamwork.” 

Southers was committed to workforce and succession planning and the training and career development of employees. She provided expertise to NIGMS and NIH on important human resource issues, including helping to develop and implement a plan to identify areas of workforce underrepresentation, as well as potential barriers and retention issues. 

Southers reinforced a culture of continuous improvement, cost effectiveness and enhanced business and management practices to meet the changing needs of NIGMS. Most recently, Southers led the effort to consolidate the institute’s administrative functions into a single, centralized hub. 

“NIGMS benefited greatly from Vickie’s years of dedicated service,” said Dr. Jon Lorsch, NIGMS director. “Her insights, guidance and good humor positively impacted many aspects of the institute. We wish her the best in her retirement.”

The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

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Staff Writer: Amber Snyder sends email)