NIH Record - National Institutes of Health
Large yellow blobs sit atop pink pebbles, with an eel-like swirl above, against grey background

March 1, 2024

  • Samara Finds Her Calling at NIH

    In honor of Women's History Month, the NIH Record is featuring stories on some of the many talented investigators and administrative leaders working at NIH. Meet Dr. Nadine Samara, a Stadtman tenure-track investigator at NIDCR.
  • Nguyen’s Career Leads to Path of Discovery

    Meet Dr. Dr. Rosa Nguyen. She is featured as part of our annual series honoring the women of NIH. Nguyen runs a lab at NCI’s Center for Cancer Research focused on developing new immunotherapies for pediatric solid tumors, such as neuroblastomas.
  • Moran Introduces the Insect Microbiome

    University of Texas at Austin's Dr. Nancy Moran presented an overview of the insect microbiome.
  • NIH’ers Trade Science for Swords on the Weekends

    A small group of NIH’ers in the Kenjutsu Club can be found training with classic Japanese weapons every weekend in Bldg. 35. Kenjutsu is an umbrella term for the various schools of ancient Japanese swordsmanship.
Large yellow blobs sit atop pink pebbles, with an eel-like swirl above, against grey background

On the Cover

Ebola in 3D. Cryo-electron tomographic image of a virus-like particle displaying Ebola virus surface spikes (top) and visualization of their three-dimensional structure (bottom).


The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

Editor: Dana Talesnik sends email)

Assistant Editor: Eric Bock sends email)

Staff Writer: Amber Snyder sends email)