Foil the Flu: Staff Vaccinations Begin on Sep. 30

Foil the Flu, the annual seasonal influenza immunization program for all NIH workers, begins Monday, Sept. 30 and runs through Nov. 8. You need a valid NIH identification badge to receive your seasonal flu shot though Foil the Flu.
All federal employees, trainees and contractors are strongly encouraged to be immunized against the flu. All NIH staff who have contact with Clinical Center patients must participate in the annual Foil the Flu program. The NIH will not offer a Covid-19 vaccination campaign this fall.
Make an Appointment
The flu vaccine will be given by appointment only for all sites (including clinics in Montana, North Carolina, Baltimore and Frederick, Md.), through an online registration system. To schedule your appointment, visit
Please do not schedule an appointment at Harbor Hospital or Poolesville unless you work onsite at those locations. Simultaneous clinics will begin in satellite campuses across the country. Take care to select the correct site when registering to make an appointment.
Prepare for Your Appointment
Follow masking guidelines. Please do not arrive for your scheduled appointment time more than 10 minutes early. Wear clothing that allows easy access to the upper arm.