Runners Can Support Kids at Children’s Inn at NIH

The Children’s Inn at NIH’s Marine Corps charity Team #RunINN4Kids has race slots available for runners of all abilities who want to run the marathon or 10K to benefit NIH pediatric trial participants.
Members of Team #RunINN4Kids benefit from weekly training tips provided by a professional coach, the chance to train with dedicated team members and support children staying at the inn while they are participating in protocols at the Clinical Center. Team members also receive inn-themed running gear and are invited to a catered pasta party at the inn the weekend before the race.
“Our team is open to anyone who wants to participate in this great race while supporting pediatric NIH patients staying at the Children’s Inn,” said Julie Ofrecio, the inn’s corporate partnerships and events manager. “We have NIH patients, parents, volunteers and friends of the inn participating on our team and we’d love to have our friends from the NIH join as well!”
Team #RunINN4Kids has race slots for up to 80 runners. Registration deadline is Aug. 17.
Funds raised by the team help provide free lodging and supportive services for children with rare or serious illnesses.
To learn more about the team or sign up, visit