Etzioni To Give Next ‘ Mind the Gap’ Seminar

Dr. Ruth B. Etzioni, chair, scientific steering committee, Hutch Data Commonwealth Division of Public Health Sciences, will present “Overdiagnosis in Cancer Screening: Overcoming Challenges, Avoiding Mistakes” at the next Medicine: Mind the Gap Seminar. The seminar is the final presentation of a 3-part series on disease prevention screening. It will be held Friday, Nov. 18 from 1 to 2 p.m. via NIH Videocast,
Etzioni will examine how overdiagnosis arises and will discuss what it takes to validly estimate its frequency. She is a biostatistician and full member in the Division of Public Health Sciences at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Her research focuses on the development of innovative statistical and computer models to learn about the latent process of cancer progression from observed data on disease incidence and mortality.
Register for the seminar at Etzioni will accept questions about her presentation during her talk via email at and on Twitter with #NIHMtG.