NIH Record - National Institutes of Health
Close-up view of gloved hands using tweezers to assemble parts of a kidney on a microscope slide.

May 15, 2020

  • NIAID’s Marston Outlines Scientific Response to Coronavirus

    On Apr. 15, NIAID’s Dr. Hilary Marston became the first speaker in a series begun by the intramural program’s new COVID-19 scientific interest group. Her talk, “The Biomedical Research Response to COVID-19: A View from NIAID,” attracted nearly 1,200 viewers.
  • NIAMS Jumpstarts Volunteer Response to Coronavirus

    ​When an NIAMS intramural researcher became the first NIH employee to test positive for the novel coronavirus on, Mar. 15, NIAMS mobilized. By the next morning, the institute had recruited volunteers to help mitigate the spread of the virus on campus.
  • Historian Looks at Hypnosis, Hype and Health

    Mind control, whether it was possible and who should be allowed to practice it were all fodder for a recent NLM History of Medicine lecture by Dr. Katrin Schultheiss of GWU.
  • NIH’s Kastner Comes to Aid of Cruise Ship Passengers

    Lcdr. Tameika Kastner of ORS’s Division of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS) received a phone call: she was to deploy for the Public Health Service’s response to support passengers who had returned to the United States.
Close-up view of gloved hands using tweezers to assemble parts of a kidney on a microscope slide.

On the Cover

Scientists supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences work on a kidney on a chip.


The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

Associate Editor: Dana Talesnik (link sends e-mail)

Assistant Editor: Eric Bock (link sends e-mail)

Staff Writer: Amber Snyder (link sends e-mail)