NIH Record - National Institutes of Health
Microscopic image of an Embryonic smooth muscle cell

July 21, 2023

  • Tolia Creates Algorithm to Improve Vaccines

    As part of an ongoing series on NIH inventors, meet Dr. Niraj Tolia, a NIAID senior investigator who wrote a computer algorithm that, when applied to viral or parasitic antigens, can improve them. This technology, with pending patents, is improving vaccines. His primary research focus is on malaria.
  • BRAIN Initiative Scientists Share Cutting-Edge Research

    More than 2,500 participants gathered for the ninth annual BRAIN Initiative Meeting. The conference brought together federally funded scientists, staff and leadership, as well as non-federal organizations, the media and the public.
  • Take-a-Hike Day Draws More Than 900

    NIH kicked off its 15th Take-a-Hike Day on June 15 with the traditional whistle start by Dr. Alfred Johnson, NIH deputy director for management. The 3.25-mile trek led participants around the NIH perimeter. The weather was perfect!
  • Fogarty Celebrates 55 Years of Global Impact

    Learn the history of the Fogarty International Center (FIC), named after the late congressman John E. Fogarty of Rhode Island. For 55 years, the Fogarty International Center has worked to advance global health.
Microscopic image of an Embryonic smooth muscle cell

On the Cover

Embryonic smooth muscle cell. Immuno-fluorescently labeled actin cytoskeleton (green) and vinculin in cell adhesions (blue). Laser scanning confocal microscopy.


The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

Editor: Dana Talesnik sends email)

Assistant Editor: Eric Bock sends email)

Assistant Editor: Amber Snyder sends email)