NIH Record - National Institutes of Health

Folks ARRA Rockin’ at Camp Fantastic BBQ

Men in t-shirts staff a table with Special Love banner and leaflets.
Dave Smith (l) and Aaron Andrews (second from l), both of Special Love, Inc., share information and t-shirts for Camp Fantastic and Special Love, the 501(c)(3) organization that runs the camp and a dozen other programs for children with cancer and their families. Special Love also provides community and financial support in the form of emergency payments and post-secondary scholarships to camp families.

Photo:  Chia-Chi Charlie Chang

Francis Collins sings and plays guitar, fronting the band.
NIH’s own ARRA Band gives a concert at the cookout.

Photo:  Chia-Chi Charlie Chang

Men and women hold ARRA fans and signs as they watch the concert.
Attendees take in the outdoor concert.

Photo:  Chia-Chi Charlie Chang

Close up of concert-goer holding band fan illustrated with Francis Collins face wearing sunshades.
Just a portion of ARRA’s faithful (pun alert—sorry!) “fan” base, attendees enjoy the concert.

Photo:  Chia-Chi Charlie Chang

Large group of people hold Special Love t-shirts.
The ARRA Band included (seated, from l) Allison Mandich of OD, S. Amara Ogbonnaya of NIAMS, Quino Maduro of NHGRI, Subhashini Chandrasekharan of OD, Dipa Mitra of NCI, Glorielly Gonzalez of NIAMS, Mike Pazin of NHGRI; and (standing, from l) Scott Durum of NCI, Mike Lenardo of NIAID, Richard Droghini of NIAID, John O’Shea of NIAMS, Robert Walker of NIAMS, Cecelia Tamburro of NICHD, John Tisdale of NHLBI, Francis Collins of NHGRI, Ronnie Gladney of NIAMS and Will Sears of NIAID.

Photo:  Chia-Chi Charlie Chang

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Francis Collins sings and plays guitar, fronting the band.
NIH’s own ARRA Band gives a concert at the cookout.

Photo:  Chia-Chi Charlie Chang

NIH hosted the annual Camp Fantastic Barbecue on June 13. As has become customary in recent years, the featured entertainment was a concert by the Affordable Rock ‘n’ Roll Act (ARRA) Band, which is led by former NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins and a number of his scientist colleagues.

Held on the Clinical Center’s south lawn, this year’s event had all the elements of a classic outdoor rock concert, including a swarm of groupies waving printed fans and cheering their support. The BBQ—with cookout fare for sale and a silent auction—raised more than $4,000, according to David Browne of the NIH Recreation & Welfare Association, which coordinates the fun.

Camp Fantastic, a week-long summer getaway sponsored by Special Love Inc., in Front Royal, Va., for kids with cancer, will return on site for the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic. 

At this year’s BBQ, Browne said, “Favorite auction prizes included a tour and wine tasting at Elk Run Vineyard in Mount Airy, two domestic round-trip airline tickets and four tickets for three-hour admission to the Adventure Park at Sandy Spring—that one was our most-bid-on item.”

This year is Special Love’s and Camp Fantastic’s 40th anniversary, noted Dave Smith, Special Love senior director of outreach and programs, “and we’re celebrating all year long. Camp…will have a multi-colored theme and commemorative clothing. Activities will range from traditional—horseback riding, canoeing, swimming—to unique, with special guests like [celebrity event planner and TV show host] David Tutera, and hybrid activities that can be enjoyed in person or via Zoom.

“Our sibling week, BRASS Camp, is commemorating the return to in-person camp with the theme ‘BRASS Camp Gets Real.’ Each day will have a different reality show theme, including Survivor, American Ninja, the Masked Singer, and a cooking competition. Because BRASS takes place on the shore of Breton Bay (part of the Chesapeake Bay system), crabbing and fishing will be highlights.”

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The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

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