NIH Record - National Institutes of Health

Young Artists of Tacy Foundation Perform at CC

Two seated women, one playing flute and the other playing clarinet, looking at their music stands.
Joanne Fan on flute and Angela Shen on clarinet team up for works by Mozart—Duo no. 2, K. 424, and Andante and Menuetto.

Photo:  janice duran

Cellist Kenji Stokes up close
Cellist Kenji Stokes

Photo:  janice duran

Man holds bow to cello while looking at sheet music on music stand.
Stokes plays Concerto in A Minor, No. 1, First Movement by Camille Saint-Saens

Photo:  janice duran

A young man in a black suit sits at the piano in the CC atrium.
Pianist Maximilian Belyantsev performs Cantata BWV 147: Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring by J.S. Bach and Rondo in C minor, Wq. 59/4 by C.P.E. Bach.

Photo:  janice duran

A young woman looks down at piano keys, with blue NIH backdrop.
Pianist Caroline Su performs Hungarian Rhapsody 6 by Liszt and Sonata No. 26 by Beethoven.

Photo:  janice duran

A young man plays trumpet in the CC atrium.
Trumpeter Issac Won plays Peskin Trumpet Concerto No. 1 Second Movement and Gershwin’s Someone to Watch Over Me.

Photo:  janice duran

Man looks at music while playing piano.
Khoi Phuong offers Chopin’s Nocturne Op. 48 No. 1 and Prelude Op. 28 No. 15

Photo:  janice duran

A woman looks out at audience while playing piano.
Pianist Adishree Strope performs Nocturne in E-flat Major by Chopin.

Photo:  janice duran

A man looks down at piano while playing.
Sujit Hegde on piano performs Barcarolle in F Sharp Major op. 60 by Frederic Chopin

Photo:  janice duran

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If you were in the atrium of the Clinical Research Center at lunchtime on July 25, you were treated to a Young Artists Noon Concert by musicians of the Tacy Foundation. 

According to its website, the nonprofit foundation “empowers children and teens to share hope and joy with hospital patients, military veterans, senior citizens and disadvantaged youth through performances, music recording projects and music mentoring programs.”

Since 2011, when Tacy musicians rendered their first live concert in what the foundation called NIH’s “Hall of Hope,” young people have given performances for patients, staff and visitors at the Clinical Center. 

As the event program notes, “The Tacy Foundation dedicates this music to all people who are experiencing challenges in healing from physical and/or emotional illness or injury and who are struggling to heal from the wounds of conflict and loss.” 

To read more about Tacy, visit is external).

The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

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