NEI 5K Walk/Run/Roll a Success

Photo: Chia-Chi Charlie Chang
The fourth annual NEI 5K attracted more than 500 participants, who together took a lap around the NIH Bethesda campus on Oct. 18 during peak fall foliage.
“NIH is a special place,” said NEI Director Dr. Michael Chiang, who kicked off the race in front of Bldg. 1. “And, what makes it special is our people…our dedicated and diverse workforce collaborating with each other to turn discovery into health.”
On hand were representatives from the Combined Federal Campaign, the Children’s Inn at NIH, the NIH Blood Bank, Achilles International, the NIH Recreation and Welfare Association, Kaiser Permanente and the Prevention of Blindness Society, who provided free vision screenings.
Lilly Sadler of NEI’s Office of Administrative Management coordinated the event with help from NEI staff, the NIH Office of Research Services, R&W, the NIH Police and others.