NIH Record - National Institutes of Health

CFC Finale Showcases Surprise Talents

Milonee Mehta of NIA’s team, dy-NIAmic, “Faces the Cookie,” one of several 60-second challenge events in the CFC finale.

Photo:  Dustin Hays

Miranda Jarnot gives thumbs up as she and Pahlavan hold Show Some Love sign
Minute-to-Win-It champions Aresh Pahlavan (l) and Miranda Jarnot

Photo:  Dustin Hays

Ana Perez Mejia and Eli Flores
Runners up Ana Perez Mejia and Eli Flores of NEI’s Eye Team

Photo:  Dustin Hays

Flores blows air into a yellow balloon over red plastic cups on a table.
NEI’s Flores and NLM’s Jarnot go head-to-head in “Balloon Pyramid,” the championship round of the CFC Minute-to-Win-It grand finale.

Photo:  Dustin Hays

NLM’s Team L-eye-brarians—Aresh Pahlavan and Miranda Jarnot—took first honors in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Minute-to-Win-It competition. The CFC is the federal workforce’s annual charity drive.

Eleven NIH teams faced off in a series of 60-second challenges, featuring thrilling events such as Separation Anxiety, where contestants sorted colored beads into jars, and This Blows, a cup-blowing race. See video from the championship “Balloon Pyramid” round at

“Thanks to today’s participants, volunteers—the CFC keyworkers, coordinators and organizers—and everyone who pledged to CFC. We appreciate your support!” said Debra Gale, NIH’s CFC program manager. 

NEI served as host IC in 2019, organizing events including a 5K walk/run and a karaoke contest to promote NIH’s push toward its $2 million charity fundraising goal. See all CFC event photos and videos at

The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

Editor: Dana Talesnik

Associate Editor: Patrick Smith

Assistant Editor: Eric Bock

Staff Writer: Amber Snyder