NIBIB Touts ‘Five Cool Technologies’

Life-saving medical technologies, from vaccines to imaging technologies, are part of the history and legacy of NIH. We all work to support the NIH mission, even if we all aren’t developing the technologies ourselves. Letting your family, friends and acquaintances know some examples of NIH-supported technologies goes a long way in raising awareness about the critical importance and long-term impact of NIH investment.
To that end, the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering has produced a series of brief videos in recent years that shine a spotlight on exciting technologies developed at labs around the country that are funded by the institute. The latest in the video series, called “5 Cool Technologies Your Tax Dollars are Funding,” features advances that may help people stay healthy, get treatment sooner or have a better quality of life. The five technologies highlighted in the short video, released in August, are:
- A painless, non-invasive blood glucose monitoring device to replace testing by a finger-prick
- A skin patch that monitors blood pressure continuously using ultrasound, without a cuff
- A painless laser scan for breast cancer screening, instead of a mammogram
- A fingernail scan to count white cells for patients having chemotherapy, as an early indicator for risk of infection
- A prosthetic hand that provides a sense of touch for the user.
Become more familiar yourself with NIH-funded technologies—and tell a friend to view the video at