NIH Record - National Institutes of Health

Celebrate National Week of Making, June 16-22

The National Week of Making is an opportunity to celebrate the innovation, ingenuity and creativity of “makers”—the diverse community of independent designers and inventors who make their own unique products using a variety of technologies. During June 16-22, join in celebrating the National Week of Making with events and classes held at the NIH Library that will feature makers at NIH.  

Stop by the library in Bldg. 10 to see examples of how researchers have utilized maker technologies to create cost-saving solutions that improve research capabilities, laboratory efficiency and experimental reproducibility. The display will feature a variety of 3-D prints and custom labware made by NIH intramural researchers and staff. Come and be inspired by how the NIH community is using 3-D-printed lab instrumentation to transform research and how 3-D-printed molecular and anatomical models facilitate hands-on discovery and communication. 

The Week of Making activities will also feature free training classes related to 3-D modeling software and printing, as well as virtual reality demonstrations. The events are open to NIH and HHS staff. Registration is required. 

For a list of classes and more information, visit For questions about events, contact Verma Walker at sends email). Additional resources and information about custom labware and the Maker Movement can be found online at the NIH 3D Print Exchange or by contacting sends email).

The NIH Week of Making is a collaborative effort organized by the NIH Office of Technology Transfer, the NIH Library and the NIAID Office of Cyber Infrastructure and Computational Biology.

The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

Editor: Dana Talesnik sends email)

Assistant Editor: Eric Bock sends email)

Staff Writer: Amber Snyder sends email)