NIH Record - National Institutes of Health

Kudos Grow Ever More Creative

Fauci Fans Amp Up Cultural Tributes

A painting of Fauci along with a grateful letter from the painter: Joan Baez
Singer-songwriter-activist Joan Baez paints a portrait of Fauci and sends him a letter of gratitude, calling his anti-Covid crusade an act of nonviolent resistance.

The salutes to NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci keep coming for his stalwart fight against covid. His fan base continues to expand as well, creatively presenting their appreciation via all forms of culture and couture. Joining the lawn signs, face masks, T-shirts, cocktails, baseball cards, bobbleheads and cupcakes seen in weeks past are recently noted performance art and fine art plaudits.

Stage and screen actor Bets Malone recorded Dear Dr. Fauci, a parody of the classic You Made Me Love You and released it via Facebook and YouTube, where it immediately went viral. A sampling of her show tune’s lyrics praise Fauci and exhort the rest of us: “The nation how you serve it, don’t know if we deserve it | Since ’84 you labor, protecting every neighbor | America, get a clue…Fauci is fighting for you!”

Another performer, folk singer-songwriter-musician-activist Joan Baez turned to another of her talents to show Fauci appreciation. She painted his portrait, accompanied by an open letter to the champion infection fighter. It reads in part:

“I’ve painted your portrait to honor you and all you are doing for us and for the world. It will be a part of my second art exhibit of ‘Mischief Makers,’ paintings of people who have made meaningful social change without the use of violence. I don’t imagine you’ve ever thought of it this way, but you are engaging in nonviolent resistance every time you stand in front of the cameras and attempt to educate the public on how to survive the Covid-19 pandemic.” 

Also recently noted are several wearable items featuring Fauci’s visage—some created using fabric designed by Utah freelance graphic artist Kate Rhees.

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The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

Editor: Dana Talesnik

Associate Editor: Patrick Smith

Assistant Editor: Eric Bock

Staff Writer: Amber Snyder