NIH Record - National Institutes of Health

Santa Visits Inn on Harley

Santa stands next to a young girl and her mom and a rep from the Children's Inn, outside, with stars and flowers and other colorful decorations behind.
Santa meets an Inn resident.

Photo:  The Children's Inn at NIH

Santa stands with a young child and his mom, with 4 members of NIH's Nerds in Harmony singing into a microphone nearby.
NIH’s acapella group, Nerds in Harmony, perform during Santa’s visit.

Photo:  The Children's Inn at NIH

A young boy sits atop a police motorcycle as the officer stands by him, explaining its features.
One of Santa’s motor officer “elves” shows off his motorcycle.

Photo:  The Children's Inn at NIH

A group of officers holding a Children's Inn banner stand in front of the ice rink and giant Christmas tree in Rockville Town Square.
Earlier, the motor officer “elves” stopped at Rockville Town Square’s outdoor ice skating rink.

Photo:  The Children's Inn at NIH

A large group of officers, dressed in black with helmets, stand with Santa, also in a helmet, and their motorcycles on the side of the road.
Santa and “elves” began their journey at the Montgomery County Police Department’s 5th District station in Germantown.

Photo:  The Children's Inn at NIH

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Santa Claus and his motor officer “elves” returned to the NIH Children’s Inn during the Montgomery County Police Department’s annual Santa Ride on Dec. 8. 

Santa began his journey in Germantown, Md., where he traded in his sleigh and reindeer for a Harley-Davidson motorcycle for the trip. Before arriving at the Inn, Santa and his elves made several stops along Rockville Pike, where they collected toys and other gifts from local businesses and organizations to drop off at the inn. 

Once they arrived on campus, Santa and his elves were greeted by grateful young patients and their families. NIH’s acapella group, Nerds in Harmony, performed, and Santa gave a speech and took socially distanced photos. 

The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

Editor: Dana Talesnik sends email)

Assistant Editor: Eric Bock sends email)

Assistant Editor: Amber Snyder sends email)