Camp Fantastic BBQ Set for June 11

The annual Camp Fantastic BBQ will be held on Tuesday, June 11 on the south lawn of Bldg. 10 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The yearly fundraiser, coordinated by NIH’s Recreation and Welfare Association (R&W), helps defray costs so children with cancer can attend the camp and have a summer experience to remember.
The afternoon will be filled with food, live music, games, the weekly Community Market, a mini vendor fair and more. Commemorative BBQ shirts will also be on sale to raise funds this year; any that are left over can be purchased at the R&W store in Bldg. 31. Scheduled to offer eats for sale are Bangin BBQ, Malia’s Kitchen, Catalyst Hot Dogs and SnoBlast DMV.
Music will be provided by NIH’s own ARRA (also known as the Affordable Rock ‘n Roll Act). All jam session enthusiasts are encouraged to attend the concert that features several of NIH’s homegrown rock stars of science. Rain date is Wednesday, June 26.